my name's nic. my gender's phasing out of existence. i write code and text about that code. sometimes, text about other things, too.
some of my code – more over time – is shared here. some will stay private forever. some was once public elsewhere.
a platform to let you write, at length, about your hobbies, and to inspire you to write more. it's used for this very site!
a purely clientside, web-based todo list. i use it to track what i need to do – successfully, so far!
upcoming projects
(still busy, i blame minecraft)
mood: busybusy software tuig redshell devlogtodolog 4: bugfixes and A FRIEND
hmu besties
mood: sleepy software todo devlogwhoops #1
(ran out of time, like, so hard)
mood: tired placeholderpolicy and process are technology
and you need to treat them as such
mood: neutral rambles engineeringtodolog 3: minor tweaks and future plans
(it's still workin', too!)
mood: sleepy software todo devloggoodbye, cohost
blog notes and a little project
(not a hiatus, don't worry)
mood: tired metatodolog 2: it sublists!
and i'm still using it
mood: prouder software todo devlogexplaining a minor yubikey exploit
for the nerds: cve-2024-45678 / ysa-2024-3
mood: pedagogical? rambles securitytodolog 1: it lists!
and i'm already using it
mood: proud software todo devlogwhat was the "old web"?
and how to build for self-expression
mood: contemplative softwareb/rb/log 3: interpolation
now it generates the homepage, too
mood: proud software blog/reblog devloga commitment to posting
tl;dr: weekly, but not always good
mood: hurried metabuilding cern httpd on modern linux
the first webserver's final release… from 1996
mood: triumphant software con the shoulders of giants
and why that phrase doesn't really apply to tech
mood: frustrated software rechost ramblescrimes against god and satan in declarative macros
a rustacean classic
mood: delighted software rustb/rb/log 2: bigger steps
it generated this whole site!
mood: proud software blog/reblog devlogb/rb/log 1: first steps
it generated this page!
mood: triumphant software blog/reblog devlogon the denigration of the machine
or: my alienation does not make me subhuman
mood: lonely rechost transhumanism gender ramblesendings, deaths, and loss
a response to meaninglessness
mood: hopeful rechost philosophy ramblesenter stage left
about this blog and what you'll see here.
mood: introspective meta