
todolog 4: bugfixes and A FRIEND

hmu besties

mood: sleepysoftwaretododevlog

hey, you know how i i said i was done for now? well i'm not, actually!

anyway, i have three important things to mention:

tr. business (if that is their real name) has mentioned wanting to build data export, which would be quite cool. i've mentioned wanting to build serverside sync, but data export would be equally cool for letting you move your todos around, albeit requiring more external automation to be as smooth.

they've also noted that this was designed to be used on a phone, which is the worst environment for debugging weird issues. i started implementing a nice little "debug mode" for the second bullet point but found the bugs before getting more than a tiny fraction in, so this is relegated to the future.

and if you like todo and want to poke it: please do! feel free to make it your own, too; just because i don't want the change in my version doesn't mean you can't have it in yours. my dream is for a small community of hobbyists to just kinda… futz with it. everyone linking to everyone else's because everyone's using some changes from everyone, but no one's is quite identical. maybe i'll set up an irc channel. hit me up if that sounds fun.

anyway – i'm finally getting more free time, so with any luck, i'll have new fun activities that i can talk about! that does mean this is probably the last todo update for a while, but only because it's "done enough" for me to use reliably. and i'm pretty happy about that.

(p.s.: the welsh translation is still behind, sorry. i barely got this post together on time; i'm going to have to pick welsh back up in the near future.)