
a commitment to posting

tl;dr: weekly, but not always good

mood: hurriedmeta

so, originally i said:

i won't promise a schedule.

enter stage left

but then nicky flowers posted, and i thought: that's a commitment i kinda want to make too.

i've wanted to "get into blogging" for a while. cohost kinda sorta taught me how, and that writing can be fun, and that i'm not half bad at it, so… i want to keep doing it.

i'm definitely not doing daily posts. i have neither time nor the patience nor the material, since i'm still not making this too personal. but weekly posts? that should be doable! that just means having something about tech to post every week, and every week brings fun new tech stories.

so yeah, i think i want to commit to weekly posts, actually. some weeks will be more fleshed out than others, sometimes it'll be out after midnight because i'm up late, some might literally just be "hey i didn't forget, i just don't have anything!" but it'll be something, and weekly.

and relatedly: every week, i'd like to make some progress on the welsh translation, even if it's just a single sentence. every week i'm gonna translate a little more of the site, and eventually i'll get good enough at the language for it to stop being a separate task i have to dedicate time to.

as it stands, i have two posts in the "backlog": a third devlog for blog/reblog, and a long rant about nostalgia for a web that never existed. i've also got a few ideas for new, probably smaller projects.

wish me luck!