nodau blog a waith bach
(dim bwlch, paid â phoeni)
hwyl: wedi blinometatwo things today. first: i made a thing! if, like me, the "find your friends" page in your official export is broken, this should do the same thing – listing all your mutuals. it's a little bit of a pain in the backside, but meh.
second: my plans for the near future of this blog. i do intend to keep making regular posts, and i even have 4 partial ones in the backlog, but i've noticed the quality of my writing is, uh. not great.
i can impress myself, yes, but i don't always. luckily, someone invented a magical tool that fixes these kinds of problems! it's called "editing" and i need to do more of it.
unfortunately, editing ✨takes time✨ and that's not something i have a ton of. so i'm probably going to drop down to biweekly, to give myself more time to edit both upcoming and past posts. gonna prioritize making new posts better, but old ones will get touched up over time, too.
mostly, i'm just glad i've kept up with weekly posts for this long. but i'm frustrated that my quality didn't stay where i wanted it. not really my fault, but still, i want this blog to be good, not just present.
so, in honor of the new year, let's set out some goals:
- a new blogpost at least every two weeks
- edit all my old blogposts to my current standards
- clean up my project pages, and offer a git repo for each
- get blog/reblog to at least v0.3, and plan it out further
- find a webring to join (ideas welcome)
should be achievable. wish me luck!